Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, March 15, 2009

We are expecting No.2....

BABY BOY!!! Ishaan is going to be a big brother! We went for our ultrasound last week and found out that the little wallaby inside of me is a baby BOY!!! Ishaan saw his little brother up on the large TV screen and high fived him! TOO CUTE! he was a little nervous at first but now he tells the stories of how we went to the "Dr.'s" (the lab) and the "Dr." (tech) went swoosh....swoosh over mommies tummy with the wand thing and baby brother was on the T.B. (T.V.) As we got ready and started to walk away Ishaan said bye baby, and waved at the TV...he thought his baby brother was going to stay at the lab in the T.V. ( Innocent)

Baby Baby Baby! Yes, its true. We are soon going to be parents of a new born baby BOY!!! again. We are so thrilled! Ishaan is excited too, he thinks the baby lives in his tummy. So here we go, baby Ram is due on August 29, 2009. Sal is busy getting Ishaan's room and baby's room painted this coming weekend! Ya, finally a complete nursery. I will post photos as soon as its done.